Saturday, January 3, 2009

Nazis are big in the movies this winter

We saw Valkyrie the other day, a movie based on real events in WWII where some German officers conspire and attempt to assassinate Hitler. Tom Cruise was a one-eyed, one-armed Nazi officer. Go figure. We saw the trailer for Defiance which is also based on a true story from WWII. In that one, blond haired blue eyed Daniel Craig plays a Jewish man. Yeah, right. It sounds like a fascinating story even if the casting seems odd to me. Then there's The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and The Reader, which I believe are both fiction.
I guess I'm not the only one who is fascinated by the lessons to be learned from that place and time. Sixty plus years after the end of that war, new stories of heroism, conflict and personal sacrifice continue to surface.
That means there will be room for Sophie's story too.


  1. There are certain eras that never stop intriguing people, and the rise of the Third Reich is definitely one of them.

    I have not seen any of the current movies, but I read The Reader about five years ago and remember it to be incredibly powerful. I'll have to see the movie version before the Oscars. Our school district ordered copies of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas for next year, and we always read the drama version of The Diary of a Young Girl. Sophie's story is going to be terrific and will definitely find a niche amongst the other Nazi-themed works. Write on!
