Saturday, January 8, 2011

What's gotta change

I'm such a slacker. It's been two months since I blogged, and here I am saying I want to become a writer! But enough with the self-flagellation. It's a new year and this is as good a time as any to begin to do things right.
For 2011, I plan two things. One is to create a log of sorts of all the books I read, sort of like making the food diary I made when I did Weight Watchers. I want to make sure I take in good stuff so I don't waste time and energy reading the literary equivalent of Twinkies. And reading good stuff has got to improve my own writing. The second thing I plan is to get Sophie's story off my computer and out into the big world. I'm revising the second half of the novel now and researching publishers and editors who like historical fiction. Since the publishing industry is in a state of flux, the whole submission process will be quite an adventure.

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