Monday, November 9, 2009

Ways to tell a story

Well, the Young Authors Day is history now, and I had a ball. I was even interviewed for the Abington Journal and I'm interested to see how it's reported there ("Local woman with a few writing credits plays with kids and laughs a lot"). The kids engaged well in the activities I planned, moving and talking and writing down their ideas. Some of them even shared their budding story at the end by standing up and talking it through.
The teenagers in my Sunday School class tell stories too. Each month, they're assigned a Bible story and they're in charge of presenting the lesson behind the story during the Children's Sermon. Most months, their lesson is done as some kind of performance (they're a bunch of hams), usually a skit they've written. This month, they're making puppets and putting on a puppet show. Another way to tell a story.
This weekend, I watched the Pixar film Wall-E. Yes, I know I'm behind the times. I was impressed by how much the characters of Wall-E and Eva were developed with basically no dialogue. The gestures and body language spoke volumes about who they were and what they felt. Fascinating.
Three distinct activities, all with the same storytelling goal.

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